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Agron Shele: Selected poems

Writer's picture: EnheduanaEnheduana

This time...

This time , When you hear the rain that falls over the bare trees from a bronze sky And the rows of ravens all yellow You ask yourself Why only a tree stands tall ? In an empty park , lonely rotting day by day Why do you care ? Maybe because that reminds you the time that has passed And you feel more older than ever Like a lonely bird abandoned when the winter comes Surviving is the only chance This time, When your thoughts are lost And your face shows nothing more than sadness In pale colours remained tattoo over your filthy skin That is when you feel the touch of the last season That is what reminds you of the long starry nights All of this turns your spirit blue ....when the time passes You can only see a rainbow that stares over an old church Acrylic glass You can only hear the whispers of monks as they go But you can't hear the bell What does that mean ? You feel like an old abused statue with crossed arms You wait for your sins to be forgiven If only it was that easy But no , your demons consume your soul every day Your disgusting devious eyes only stare at one thing The only The innocent saint Magdalene. Në këtë kohë…

Në këtë kohë, ku regëtima shiu dëgjohen pemëve të zhveshura nga shtjellat e qiellit të bronxtë dhe kokrramat e korbave ngjyer në të verdhë vetem një pemë drejton trupin parkut të boshatisur, veçuar e derdhur rrënjësh murnajës gri, si vetë koha që gjegj pëshpërimat e zogjve të fundit, që s’ dinë ç' është braktisja e strehë të vetme kanë një qiparis. Në këtë kohë mendimet humbasin dhe vështrimi ligështohet në ngjyra të zbehta mbetur tatuazh në lëkurë i prekjes së një stine të dikurshme rrethuar gjerdanit yjëzuar me smeralde fshehur blusë më të thellë shpirtit! … dhe më pas një fijëzim përthyer prizmit ngjyrë nga kisha e vjetër xhamash akrelinë mbushur mërmërima të murgjërve shkuar tingujve heshtje të kambanores që nuk dëgjohet më dhe statujës ngritur me krahë të kryqëzuar në pritjen e faljes së mëkateve të mëdha a përndjekjes së demonëve stampuar frikshëm kupolës më të lartë me sy të djallëzuar e ngulitur tek më e shenjta engjëllorja Magdalenë. (Original poem Albanian Language)

I know...!

I know One day , you will understand Feathers stay as proof of a flying bird Lost far away from the horizon No turning back No shelter Very angry Far away Anxiety of an escaped shadow I know That this emigration has nothing in common with rainy days Neither the blooming flowers It is an unusual escape towards time , when the air smells the pain of earth . Death of innocent leaves under the meaning of life until madness I know that the darkness brings lonely nights No light , that gives you hope No dreams , that give you freedom No tomorrow But only a dawn related to the shadows of life in chaos . It feels like the poison of broken hopes I know that scream will destroy the walls of broken memories And what is dead will return to life No more envy trapped in a spider web And the voracious crowds and Kings without crowns. White Light

A white light, Wakened in the waters of my soul, Over the wings of a flying bird Just as once before... A mirror of a reborn life in turmoil Just as today... Kidnapped from warm verses in rebellion. White hope, A voice of life colors without borders An open canvas of colors brighten Beautiful Just as dreams of nights of no return Thunderstorm, Of a burning star, steaming hot. White word, Raised in the high benches of thoughts Carved in ancient mythology of trust Poured, In fiery horizons of the west. White life, a broken mirror of crossed fates a deep sea of kidnapped sorrows just as snow... Dissolved in the first rays of craziness Just as a leaf... Lost in a freezing autumn universe.

*Agron Shele, born in 1972, in the Village of Leskaj, city of Permet, Albania. Is the author of the following literary works: “The Steps of Clara” (Novel), “Beyond a grey curtain” (Novel), “Wrong Image” (Novel) , “Innocent Passage” (Poetry), Whiste stones (poetry) RIME SPARSE - Il suono di due voci poetiche del Mediterraneo (Poesie di Agron Shele e Claudia Piccinno), La mia Musa (poetry), ( “Ese-I and Ese-II) ” . Mr. Shele is also the coordinator of International Anthologies: “Open Lane- 1,” “Pegasiada , Open Lane- 2 , ATUNIS magazine (Nr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 )” and Atunis Galaxy Antholgy 2018, 2019, 2020. He is winner of some international literary prizes. Is a member of the Albanian Association of Writers, member of the World Writers Association, in Ohio, United States, Poetas del Mundo, WPS, Unione world Poetry and the President of the International Poetical Galaxy “Atunis”. He is published in many newspapers, national and international magazines, as well as published in many global anthologies: Almanac 2008, 2017; World Poetry Yearbook 2009, 2013, 2015, The Second Genesis -2013, Kibatek 2015-Italy, Keleno- Greece, Metaphora (Poland) etc. Currently Resides in Belgium and continues to dedicate his time and efforts in publishing literary works with universal values.



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