“I LOVE sharing the message that we are Human and Divine.”- Dr. Anita Caprice Powell Msc.D.
“I believe we all have a sacred mission being an instrument of change in this world. I believe we all are “ministers” serving self and each other. I believe we all have the same purpose on this earth…to remember our Oneness and express the Attributes of the Creator. Our purpose is the same…how we express those attributes are the talents (gifts) imbued within us before conception before our birth/earth date in this life.” Dr. Anita Caprice Powell Msc.D.
It is my honor to have this wonderful opportunity to feature an esteemed, multi-talented beautiful soul, Dr. Anita Caprice Powell, Msc.D.!

She is the enigmatic Founder of TAPN2U 4 World Peace Movement Empowerment thru Spoken Word Poetry – TAPN2U Foundation Engai Creative Thought Academy/Poetry & Music Publishing.
Anita is a doting mom of her twin Daughters (Sons-in-law) and a loving Grandmom of Precious Five. She is a Michigan Unemployment Appeals Advocate|Author |International Poet/Spoken Word Artist {aka: Artist Angel}. An Energy Gal, Anita’s message for the Alluringly Seasoned and Marvelous Mature, “It ain’t never too late to get to know and start to grow Your Dream. We are Perfectly Seasoned”. In 12/2022, Anita was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris Causa degree (Kharkhand Rai University RANCHI ~ India). In 2020, Anita & family, under the auspices of her foundation and a partner with buildOn.org
Anita holds a Doctorate in Metaphysical Philosophy/Science. She is credentialed in Massage and Aromatherapy. She is certified as a Meditation Practitioner/Teacher, Master Transformation Life Coach, Ho’oponopono Practitioner, and received Attunement as a Usui Reiki Master in 2005, and has been writing poetry since her preteen years. Anita serves as Global Chair with the ALL Ladies League Prison Reforms & Reintegration and is a member of various organizations and the recipient of many awards.
Anita continues to tithed her time, talent and treasure as she aspires to inspire and uplift
sharing the message that we are Human & Divine.
Links to Dr. Anita Caprice Powell’s works and advocacy:
Dr. Anita’s works have been widely-acclaimed and she continues to inspire people with her wonderful works and contributions to World Literature, her motivating speeches which both touch and change lives, and her various endeavors for the betterment of humanity.

Her numerous works not just illuminate the paths of different individuals but she serves as a good role model to both young and adults from all over. Here writing journey began at a tender age in grade school, composing poetry.
Anita’s personal search for a deeper relationship with God since she was a child led her to delve into the study of Metaphysics. Her book, “YOU- Your Own Universe” is an epic book on Metaphysics which helps one get connected with their Higher Selves.
She emits a certain kind of Light around her that once one gets to talk to her, they feel her positive energy (even from a far) and would leave you motivated to do things!
Let us get to know her better through her short interview below:
When did you discover that you have a passion for writing, for Spoken Poetry?
There really wasn’t a discovery, per se. I’ve been writing poetry since I was a little girl in elementary school. The spoken word part just came naturally, as that’s the next progression of writing poetry…sharing it with others, verbally and in written form.
What is it about Metaphysics that made you decide to study it and to write books?
I have been searching for my Relationship with God since (again) a little one. I remember specifically when I was a teen walking down the street, looking up to the sky asking God how in the world could he know I existed with billions of people in the world. The concept that I grew up with – God in the sky, etc., never made any sense to me. In the 1980’s, I was invited to a Sunday service. It was there that I learned about Meditation and the philosophy that God lives within each of us and that whatever we see physically, originated on a metaphysical (beyond the physical) realm. This resonated with me such that it pivoted me to study more and more about this ideology that I’ve always believed in, but wondered if it were a correct way of thinking. I decided to write about it after completing my Thesis and then my Dissertation. I Love Metaphysical philosophy and am proud to be a Practicing Metaphysician. I believe everything is ENERGY (Everything Naturally Engage Resonates and Gravitates toward the inside of You). Metaphysics has helped me connect with me and has helped me see how connected we are with each other.
Among your books, which one do you consider as very special to you and why?
Each and everyone of my books are my babies. It’s like the oldest, middle, and youngest
child. A parent loves them the same…though differently. For me to choose which book would be
the same as saying this child is more special than the other and for me…no such thing.
What kind of fulfillment do you get as a Motivational and Inspirational Speaker when you are invited to grace some speaking engagements?
I absolutely LOVE sharing the message that we are Human and Divine. It took some time for me to embrace the courage and state it out loud. When someone comes to me and share how my message (spoken word and/or lecture) touched them, that is an honor and a Blessing! I remember a Beautiful Sister said to me after delivering Spoken Word, “You brought tears to my heart”. I am humbled by this. I recognize that it is the soul within me that touch and reaches the soul of another. It fills my heart with joy, gratitude, thankfulness, and love knowing the words that comes forth from me helps another feel peace and experience happiness.
What advice can you give to young and aspiring writers and Spoken Poetry Artists out there?
I say be true to You! However unorthodox it may be. Always remember to lead with Your heart (soul) and let Your head support what the heart gleans. Have a creed and stand by it!
This will carry You through the doubts, insecurities. Recognize that You are human AND Divine.
Maintain the balance that within Your imperfection is that Perfection and all You have to do is tap into. Whatever Your Spiritual belief, grow it. When You’re out there on the stage, remember it’s about You, the heart You’re touching and that You are not doing it along.
This will keep You from delivering from Your head (lower ego). Trust that no one can do it like You! That the gift You have comes from the Creator and this is how You’re to express the attributes of God. Grow into recognizing that all challenges are opportunities for Your growth, which can be looked at as a Blessing. It means that You are ready to move forward. Be true to You. When You are sad…allow Yourself to be sad, as with every other emotion. Just remember to visit and not stay in that space. Learn to trust Your intuition…Your instinct. They will serve You well.
Above Love every single thing about You. Even those things You decide to change along Your path, because loving them will make it easier for You to modify, change or remove what no longer serves You well.
Do you have a writing influence or famous writer/Spoken Poetry Artist you look up to and why?
I love the Poetry of King David. It’s something about King David’s Psalms (Poetry) that is so human, vulnerable, metaphysical, and Divine. There is so much imagery in the formulation of
his words that manifests into sentences, to stanzas that reveals the very nature of his heart.
Tell us about your awesome book “YOU Your Own Universe”.
Thank You! YOU – Your Own Universe (an introduction) is a companion for everyone. It focuses on our 7 Major Chakra (system) and our 10 Bodies. Charkas from Sanskrit and 10 Bodies from Tantric Wisdom. The book is a very easy read devoting time explain how our outer world is a product of our inner world. People’s behavior is a simply a mirror of what’s going on with us in a particular place in time. I specify “behavior” because we have our own path/journey, as shared in the book, and a person’s illness for example does not reflect the energy we’re flowing with, we all have opportunities that were known to us before we cried our first cry. It is how that person handles their illness can reflect our consciousness. Someone who has become bitter and mean as a result of their situation, can mirror what’s in our heart…that we need to connect with the layer of our heart that may hold onto bitterness, etc.
YOU includes metaphysical reasons for minor illnesses we experience. For example, lower back pain may metaphysically mean that we’re living in an over emotional sphere, which reflects a weakened Sacral Chakra and Protective Negative mind (body). Issues with out gut may mean that we need to examine how we are “looking at things” are we thinking righteously (correctly) about something or someone. Issues in this area demonstrates a weakened Solar Plexus Chakra and Positive Mind (body). YOU provides essential oils and gems/crystals that are companions to each of our Major Chakras and 10 Bodies. It also includes a series of questions for each Chakra/10 Body area with a space for journalling.
What makes an Empowered Woman?
To me an “Empowered Woman” is someone who recognizes her shadowed thoughts as well as her enlightened thoughts. She embraces that she is both Human and Divine and even though not knowing everything is trusting of who she is…her intuition and instinct. She knows that “empowerment” cannot be given to her; it comes from within her. However from the outside, it may be enhanced by the love and support from others. She may be afraid andcontinues to move forward. She embraces her faults, weaknesses as well as her innocence and (including human nature). There’s so much to an “Empowered Woman”, I could go on and on.
What do you think is the future of Spoken Poetry?
The future of Spoken Poetry is the same as in Ancient times. It will continue. It is a circle without an opening for a beginning or ending. Spoken Poetry is as old as time manifest. In Holy Page 3 Scripture it starts with Spoken Poetry – beautiful lyrical rhythm explaining the evolution of earth, our world.
Do you believe that a writer has this sacred mission of being an instrument of change in the world?
I believe we all have a sacred mission being an instrument of change in this world. I believe we all are “ministers” serving self and each other. I believe we all have the same purpose on this earth…to remember our Oneness and express the Attributes of the Creator. Our purpose is the same…how we express those attributes are the talents (gifts) imbued within us before conception before our birth/earth date in this life.
As Dr. Anita's friend, I feel this is a beautiful interview that captures the essence of who Dr. Anita is❤️
Extremely Inspiring Interview!
Beautiful, Enlightened Elizabeth! 💖 Bless You ~ Thank You!!! What a Beautiful surprise! This is the absolutely AWESOME. You are INCREDIBLE!!! I Love You and am so very Thankful & Grateful for You!!! Blessings, Sister! May God continue to shine through You Always and in All Ways!!!