EnheduanaAug 12, 2023Interview: Michelle BrownWhy did you decide to take a course in Psychology? When I began my higher education journey, I had my sights set on getting my degree in...
EnheduanaJul 11, 2023Interview with Dr. Anita Caprice Powell by Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo“I LOVE sharing the message that we are Human and Divine.”- Dr. Anita Caprice Powell Msc.D. “I believe we all have a sacred mission being...
EnheduanaApr 27, 2023Interview: Hannie RouwelerYou are a well-known poet and translator and have published 40 poetry books until now. What has brought you here: your talent, your hard...
EnheduanaFeb 8, 2023Interview with Ashraf Aboul-Yazid on the Eurasian Cultural SpacesOn January 24, the days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the VI Eurasian Literary Festival LIffT began in Egypt, which are held by...
EnheduanaFeb 3, 2023Interview: Syeda Anila TalibDear Syeda, thank you for taking time out to talk to the Enheduana Literary Magazine. Can you tell our readers when was your first...