The World Poetry Movement (WPM) elected, at the conclusion of its first world conference, which began in Medellin (Colombia) and concluded in Caracas (Venezuela), its organizing body consisted of poets coordinating the movement in their countries, and the general coordinator of the Colombian poet Fernando Rendon retained his position, while the general operations committee included the poets Ashour Fenni (Algeria), Sifwe (Lesotho), Rati Saxena (India), Keshab Segdal (Nepal), Francis Combs (France), and Anna Lombard, Vadim Terikhin (RUSSIA), Freddy Náñez (Venezuela), Fernando Rendon.

As for the International Coordinating Committee, it represented in Africa by Ashraf Abul-Yazid, Ashour Fini, Ismail Haidara Didiyeh, Sifuye Truth, Ayo Amali Amal and Tariq Al-Tayeb.
In Asia, the continental list consisted of Rati Saxena, Keshab Sigdal, Vadim Terkhin, Ali Al-Amri and Gedi Magia.
And in Europe, such as Frances Combes, Anna Lombard, Bahram Oglu, Sandor Halmoussi and Louis Philippe Sarmiento.
The Americas were represented by Alex Bouzides, Freddy Nanez, Rosa Chávez, Oscar Saavedra and Agneta Falk-Hirschman. From Oceania there were Vaughan Rapatahana and Sue Zhu.
The global poetry movement is governed by internal democracy and respect for the pluralistic views it expresses , in combating Fascism and social, political, economic and cultural exclusion, it also promotes full inclusion and cultural and linguistic diversity and just gender policies .

In addition, the Global Poetry Movement strives to work in partnership with other organizations and communities to advance the value of poetry.
Poetry and its ability to contribute to achieving peace, social justice and solidarity on a regional and global scale.
The global poetry movement promotes poetry as an essential form of expression and communication for humanity . Poetry is a form of Art forms as a tool for social and cultural transformation.
The Global Poetry Movement encourages collaboration between poets from all over the world, sharing their cultural perspectives and experiences from around the world through the hair. The Global Poetry Movement defends freedom of expression and human rights, which are essential to protecting poets and their work In an increasingly divided world, poetry and the voice of poets creates a universal connection and promotes peace, unity and mutual understanding.
The World Poetry Movement strives to be a global organization with headquarters and coordination in every country, bringing poetry everywhere on earth, and nurture the spiritual unity of individuals and peoples, in a permanent work towards world peace and complete freedom of expression.
2. Mission :
The mission of the Global Poetry Movement is to promote poetry, cultural diversity, and intercultural dialogue around the world. Aims This international organization promotes the creativity and artistic expression of poets from around the world, and connects them to a global audience through Various activities and events related to poetry.
In addition, the Global Poetry Movement strives to work in partnership with other organizations and communities to advance the value of poetry Poetry and its ability to contribute to achieving peace, social justice and solidarity on a regional and global scale.
3. Core Values:
The Global Poetry Movement is an international organization that uses poetry as a means to promote dialogue, cultural diversity, peace and respect for human rights human. The core values of our movement are:
1. Freedom of Expression: The organization defends freedom of expression and creativity.
2. Cultural Diversity: The organization celebrates cultural diversity and the richness of poetic expression in all languages and cultures of the world .
3. Working for world peace, creative dialogue , and rebuilding the human spirit: The global poetry movement supports the promotion of peace Global and intercultural dialogue is healing and strengthening the human spirit towards its higher goals, through poetry as a language. Creativity, a source of awareness, and the ability to change reality.
4. Defending Nature. The global poetry movement stands in solidarity with the struggles of indigenous peoples and striving organizations to preserve biodiversity, protect aquatic ecosystems and water reserves, and reforest the planet Protecting oxygen by reducing gas emissions and promoting renewable energy as the most important energy source.
4. Respect for Human Rights: The organization calls for respect for human rights, especially cultural rights , the dignity of life, and education. Poetry as a means of reflection, criticism and social transformation.
5. Sustainability and Social Engagement: The organization promotes poetry as a way to raise awareness of global challenges and to encourage commitment. A responsible social worker who prioritizes sustainability .
6. The global poetry movement is governed by internal democracy and respect for the pluralistic views it expresses, in combating Fascism and social, political, economic and cultural exclusion, it also promotes full inclusion and cultural and linguistic diversityand just gender policies.

Historical background
37 directors of international poetry festivals from four continents founded the World Poetry Movement (WPM) on July 7, 2011, in the context of the 21st Medellín International Poetry Festival, which called for the event.
Since then, the Global Poetry Movement has developed more than 20 works of international poetry for goals such as global and regional peace, and defense.
About the Earth, a world without walls, solidarity with indigenous peoples and immigrants, among other issues.
More info HERE.