Open call for A Safe and Brave Space Poetry Anthology

For Women Only
What does a ‘Safe and Brave Space’ mean to you? This anthology will be a collection of poetry and artwork, exploring the idea of a ‘Safe and Brave Space’.
Submissions accepted here, September 1 - October 31, 2023
Submission requirements:
Poetry can be as short as 10 words and up to 1,000 words.
Please note: Each page has a line length of 24 lines-including spaces and title.
Please use Times New Roman 12 point font.
Please no copyright marks as this will be copyrighted on the title page and all rights revert to the author.
Must be left margin justified (no form poetry), 12-point font per poem.
This book size will be 6 by 9 inches, so use this as a guide for determining line length per page.
Maximum submission - 3 poems.
Artwork in black and white
Art purpose of coloring in
Portrait preferable
Paper to be plain white and unlined
No textured paper
Keep lines clean and clear – less marks = less smudges when scanned in
Scanning Art - Submission up to 3 artwork
Download ‘Camscanner’ app to phone
Scan image – save using “magic color” filter
Rename pic file with your FULL NAME
Other requirements
A third person, short bio is required.
Author Photos are accepted, but not required.
Submit your poetry as one document with up to three poems, and/or your art submission (if applicable). Each poem and art work should be on a separate page within the document.
All accepted writers will be required to sign a contract before final acceptance.
No previously published works (does not include ‘publishing for feedback’ within the Garden of Neuro).
There is no submission fee!
Points to note:
Joining the Garden of Neuro, a Women’s Only Community and becoming an active member will really help you develop your poetry and artwork. Members are encouraged to ask for and offer feedback using a tag “Critique Me” for art, poetry, and bios.
The editorial team will review poetry and make suggestions as needed. This is not to change your work, but to enhance it.
Optional Feedback on Your Writing
You may choose to receive editorial feedback on your piece. We will provide a global letter discussing the strengths of the writing and the recommended focus for revision. Our aim is to make our comments actionable and encouraging. These letters are written by the Project Director and/or Editors of Garden of Neuro Publishing. A significant portion of the editorial letter fees goes to our feedback editor and team, according to the rates established by GNI.
Submissions accepted here, September 1 - October 31, 2023
Optional workshops will be available, new/live and pre-recorded. Follow the Gardens Eventbrite Page to receive event announcements.
Publication is Expected in Spring 2024
After publication, all contributors will be invited to live book launch events.