We are a fighters with a good heart,
A stronger one after the break that needs to start
A kind of flowers blooming vibrantly and smart
A women of strength, full of spark.
Meliza D.Correa
We are the women in our nation
tested and prove,
From heaven,bring peace to nation like angel dove..
We are the precious women
We can fight as one in the name of love.
Florencia Dayao
Women may look feeble but the truth is we have the strong will and unique power
To compare with the men, but no one can define us lower
As we are a fighter of our own, to shine forever
and stand indestructible like a strong tower.
Lurie Miranda
Every woman has a great one dream.
Achieving her goals for the love ones and have a life with teem.
Brave and confidently building self esteem.
Fighting in the name of justice and truth up to the extreme.
Ledarose Delima
We can depict the future in any chance
Strong mind,heart and power to enhance
Or bring the level into deeper instances in advance
Because we are empowered women full of glance.
Veronica Pingol