Beloved Rain
Today, you are pouring on my heart
I remain alone, but then you arrived and behaved like a soul part
I'm in love with you since the day
When you washed my sorrows and I had no words to say.
You are the beauty of the all beauties which rebirth the wonders
I never move to any trees under
Come what may, we love each other,
Thus no need to look for another
I can't hide my emotions as my eyes get wet,
When your drops pour on me as I sit
You are my beloved,
I remember the day when someone shoved
And I found myself among the heavenly drops
Wow, the love at first sight after the meeting I never stop
You and I are loyal friends
We adore each other and never offends
You are my everlasting crave
In your company, I wish to make a long drive
You are the cause of happiness for all creatures,
You nourish the beauty of all nature
Since the night I waited for you as I
gaze at the sky,
I talked about you to a pretty tiny sparrow, she smile and reply
Oh, Divine lover
I don't fly high
But I have been told a secret by one who never lies
Your beloved is coming through the heavenly door
So there is no need to wait for more.
Nature's Gift
Do not waste a valued drop
We owe existence to fertile ground
We soon depart this royal realm
Save some soil for their future
If we waste it
If we destroy it
If we disrespect it
Nature's gift will produce warfare
I implore you
Heed the alarm
Join hands in brotherhood
Save our home
From inexorable destruction and Irrevocable degradation
Show wisdom
Show compassion
Make every effort
To save earth's beauty
She gives of her bounty
To feed the hungry
To feed their crying souls
This precious gift from above
Whose river's flowing slakes the thirsty
Whose cool water soothes the aching body
So tired from toil at the end of the day
We are Mother Nature's protector
Let us not neglect one drop
Nor one acre
Water and land provides sustenance for all
Not just a chosen few.....
carry within you
a great gregarious soul
esteemed chronicler
of life lived in ever shortening shadows
exposing the banal truth of lies
the unsubtle act of rebellion
in the midst of atrocities poetry stands against an uprising
on divine rights of man
tossed about hither and yon
remaining silent in war torn zones of
obliterated lands
litered with hearts of stone and ash
fearless writers of truth
gor human rights
for innocent children
for justice
for all creatures great and small
Passion runs high
words pour like rain
you righteous poets
refuse to abandon the goal
to hail the rallying cry of freedom no matter the cost
Sent by God to an incalcitrant world
your truth sustains
you are colour in colourless lives
Poets speak during the great silence
The sun is blazing
A cloudless sky on fire
Birds seeking water
Children too
Bare footed kids in the middle of the road
Desiring puddles
Finding only dust
The shoeless feet of innocents
Tell the sorry story of runaway inflation
Sunken eyes
Hands outstretched
As if in supplication
They smile
Explore beauty which exists in their hearts
They keep moving
As if angel messengers lost in woods
They spy nature's part
Flowering plants
Blooming trees
Swarming butterflies
My eyes see these leasts as nature's truest art......