Mother Nature
We were raised to look upon you,
separately from existing.
How this distanced connection,
has caused damages, that are everlasting.
The earth cries deeply, as it's being destroyed,
yet she keeps, Humanity & Life...Thriving.
“Gaia! Terra! Daichi! Diqiú! Erde! Terra Mater! Litavis! Adamah! La Terre! Azibo! Chi! Tsuchi! Terra! Pământ! Ziemia! Zemlja!”
Mother-to-Mother, Women...we feel your pain.

Maxine was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Jamaican parents. She wrote her first poem at the age of five; a Haiku, and subsequently wrote one for her Mother everyday for a month thereafter. Thus began her journey with poetry. She has published three books of poetry; Poetry, Language Of The Soul Vol. I., The Poetic Storm, Vol. II., and The Unlimited Mind, (re-published and written by her mother Hyacinth Williams-Moncrieffe), and edits P.L.O.T.S magazine. She is also an Indie writer, and co-hosted The Real Stuff Podcast, an affiliate of the Jamaican online radio station: Reggaenostalgia. Maxwanette's goals are to link poets, creatives, entrepreneurs, and humanity across the globe by assisting, uplifting, encouraging, and spreading love and positivity as much as possible. She also hosts her own podcast on Anchor & Spotify called PLOTS-PODCAST.