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Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo: The Fairy and the Lamp (children's story)

Writer: EnheduanaEnheduana
Illustration: Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo

In a secluded pasture nestled in the Hobbit Village, a jungle fairy lived alone for years. Fairy Wisteria is quite different from the other fairies around who live with the elves and dwarves. She felt that for a fairy like her who was gifted with magical powers, she was a bit lonely and doesn't know exactly what to do with those powers. Fairy Wisteria was afraid to even bond with the other fairies in the land for she'd rather be alone in her sanctuary which hid her deep sadness and where fireflies and bees are the ones who keep her company.

One night, when the sky had no stars around to bring light, she saw something which suddenly illuminated her surroundings - an old lamp who got lost in the jungle looking for its rightful owner. At first, Fairy Wisteria was hesitant to approach near it for it might be dangerous and that the lamp might be an enemy in disguise. “Oh, I am a fairy, right? I can quickly turn it into a frog the moment it starts acting crazy. So, what am I afraid of?Hmm,” she exclaimed. After a few moments, the lamp started to talk to her. “Excuse me, Madam Fairy, I think I got lost here in the jungle. My owner forgot to bring me along with him after he decided to go back home. Could you please tell me where is the way to the first village from here?” Fairy Wisteria felt quite surprised to how articulate the lamp was and its British accent was quite sophisticated to the ears. “Ahm, hi! I am Fairy Wisteria, one of the keepers of the Hobbit Village. Well, I am just living here in the jungle because ahmm, well it's a personal choice. I can lead you to the path to Hobbit Village but it's quite dark now and late. It's actually approaching midnight as you can see. But you can stay in my place for the mean time if you would like to. Yes, you can be with me first.” The lamp suddenly jumped with joy as he heard of what the fairy said. “Oh, lovely! Thanks so much my dear fairy for your exquisite kindness. Forgive me if I give too much light around. Well, that is how I was made for. To bring light to every darkness. I shall stay here for the night and we can walk to the Hobbit Village tomorrow morning.You have such lovely pink wings I must say!” Fairy Wisteria smiled and it's as if a genuine smile she hasn't worn for years. “Ahmmm, you are very much welcome! Nothing like you before lit this place like this. You are glowing strongly with your orange flame and you become a red lighting amidst this darkness.” The lamp replied, "Oh dear! Thank you for such lovely compliment. I haven't heard of that said to me not even by my owner. Well, sad to say.”

The fairy and the lamp talked all night and forgot to even sleep because they there was so much things to share to each other. Wisteria found a friend in the lamp and the lamp met someone who appreciates his worth.

“I believe now that its not the magical powers that gives meaning in my life but when I get to touch the hearts and lives of others by the things I say and do,” said Fairy Wisteria. “Yes, it's not fame or riches or even superpowers which define a person but how he treats other people and the legacy he will leave long after he is gone to a different realm,” the lamp told Wisteria. “Thank you for letting me know of my value in this world. Others don't exactly know how it is to “light” one's path. Some could just see me as a mere speck of matter which can be forgotten if they don't need me anymore. But as long as there is darkness, my light will shine upon them to guide their paths,” the lamp continued.

“You unconditionally gave me your light and suddenly, I discovered my own path. Thank you for coming into my life!”, Fairy Wisteria said teary-eyed.

“I decided not to return to my previous owner. He doesn't need me now anyway. He has lots of modern lights in his home now and I just thought maybe he intentionally left me here in the jungle. They say we should go where we are celebrated and so now I am here to stay.," the lamp replied.

“Woohooo! I am not alone now. I found the “Light”! exclaimed Fairy Wisteria upon hearing what the lamp said.

And so it came to pass that the good fairy and the lamp lived happily ever after in a haven in the jungle and continued to help travelers who somehow get lost each time they are in the secluded place. After sometime, they discovered that a beautiful, rare flower suddenly grew from outside their cottage- a lovely pink flower which changes its hue to orange once the sun's rays hit its petals. It reminds them of the fairy's pink wings and the lamp's orange flame- a product of their sincere kindness.


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Association for the Promotion of Cultural Diversity "Alia Mundi"

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